Enough PSA Campaign

Our society’s attitudes and beliefs have perpetuated sexual assault for so long. It makes the need for change urgent and impossible to ignore. We have also heard in conversations, in our communities, in the press, and from our leaders the simple and powerful word: ENOUGH.

Joyful Heart launched the Enough PSA campaign in October 2016 in response to news events that mirrored back the societal attitudes that have long excused, minimized, and helped perpetuate violence against women and girls. These events involved egregiously disrespectful statements about women, along with deeply misguided assertions about sexual and domestic violence.


We need to be outraged survivors are devalued, discriminated against, and dehumanized. We need to be appalled today and every day that one-third of women in this country will be physically or sexually violated in their lifetime.  

The Enough PSA campaign mirrors back these societal attitudes. It consists of a series of spots featuring notable actors and artists—co-produced by Joyful Heart and Viacom Velocity—reminding us of the excuses that have diminished violence against women and girls.

If you know someone who has been assaulted, read our 6 Steps to Supporting a Survivor page to learn tools on how to help.

And if you are a survivor, there are resources available for you

Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network
800.656.4673 | www.rainn.org

National Domestic Violence Hotline
800.799.7233 | www.ndvh.org


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