Teen Dating Violence

Dating violence occurs when one person in an intimate relationship is abusive to the other partner. This form of domestic violence can include physical, emotional, and sexual abuse, and stalking. Teen dating violence describes an unhealthy relationship among adolescents and young adults that includes a pattern of behaviors from a partner to gain power and control.

Joyful Heart and One Love Foundation began a partnership in 2018 during Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month to share information about unhealthy and healthy relationships. The partnership provides resources for you or someone you know who may be in an abusive relationship, addresses how to support a survivor, and shares ways to get involved in preventing teen dating violence.

Watch a video from One Love Foundation on isolation—a warning sign of an unhealthy relationship in young adults. This is part of their #ThatsNotLove campaign that spotlights unhealthy and abusive relationship behaviors.

10 Signs of a Healthy Relationship

Every healthy relationship should include these characteristics and behaviors.

  1. Comfortable Pace. Relationships should happen at a pace that is comfortable for both people in the relationship. No one should feel pressured to move forward before they are ready.
  2. Trust. You should be sure your partner won’t do anything to hurt you or ruin the relationship. Your partner shouldn’t limit what you do because they don’t believe you won’t hurt them.
  3. Honesty. You and your partner should be able to talk to each other without worrying what the response will be. A healthy partner will not judge you and will be considerate of your feelings when communicating with you.
  4. Independence. It’s important to have space and freedom in your relationship. You should both be able to do things on your own.
  5. Respect. Your partner should support you and value your beliefs, opinions, and who you are.
  6. Equality. You should both have the same say in making decisions and coming to agreements together.
  7. Compassion. There should be a shared sense of care and concern in a healthy relationship.
  8. Taking Responsibility. Partners in a healthy relationship will avoid putting blame on each other and apologize when one of you makes a mistake.
  9. Loyalty. You should feel sure that your partner will stick up for you and be respectful and faithful.
  10. Communication. You should be able to talk to your partner about anything whether good or bad.

10 Signs of an Unhealthy Relationship

Unhealthy relationships may begin with subtle behaviors, but can escalate to violence.

  1. Intensity. This includes overwhelming behaviors and feelings. You may feel like the relationship is moving too fast, you partner may want to always be with you, or you may feel like your partner is obsessed with you.
  2. Jealousy. A partner lashes out or controls you when they are jealous. If you can’t spend time with other friends, are accused of cheating, or your partner begins to follow you everywhere, this is a sign of an unhealthy relationship.
  3. Manipulation. You may be manipulated if your partner tries to influence your decisions and actions, including convincing you to do things you don’t want to do or giving you gifts and apologizing to influence how you feel and act.
  4. Isolation. If your partner doesn’t allow you to talk to or spend time with others like friends and family, your partner may be trying to isolate you.
  5. Sabotage. Your partner may try to ruin your reputation or achievements. This includes starting rumors or making you miss school activities.
  6. Belittling. In an unhealthy relationship, partners may call you names, be rude, or make fun of you.
  7. Guilting. You may be made to feel guilty for your partner’s actions, including being treated like everything is your fault or your partner threatening to hurt themselves if you don’t do what they want.
  8. Volatility. If you are constantly nervous you may do something to make your partner angry or you can’t predict when they will lash out, this is a sign of an unhealthy relationship.
  9. Deflecting Responsibility. Your partner may make excuses for their behavior like blaming you or excusing the behavior because they used alcohol or drugs.
  10. Betrayal. Your partner may lie to you, leave you out of situations, act differently when friends are around, or cheat on you.

Read more tips and find more resources about teen dating violence on our blog, which discusses more about our 2018 partnership with One Love Foundation during Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month.

Source: One Love Foundation

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